Sunday, January 12, 2014

Flag Streamers For a Poster Board

Lucky me, I got as close to my dream calling as possible. I was recently called to be the Relief Society Secretary in my new ward. Apparently I have either completely failed at being a secretary for the last 10 years or I'm just so stellar at it they keep calling me back for more. Anyway back to my dream calling, ward bulletin board specialist. Guess what the secretary does? If you guessed a bunch of other things and the opportunity to do the bulletin boards you would be right! So here it is, some of the steps in the process. I will warn that all letters cut out were done with my silhouette machine (like a cricket but much cooler because it gives you a lot more creative uses). So if you start to think I am more amazing than I really am, rest assured I have mechanical assistance.

This method is specifically for bulletin boards or locations where you want the streamer to be consistently secure without the having a million tacks or staples showing. We used this same method when we made banners for Oliver's circus room. Those banners I made from felt and ribbon but the same principles apply.

Step #1: After deciding what you want your flag streamer to say and how big you want it to be, cut out the letters and stick them on a rectangle piece of card stock. I will warn that the better quality paper the longer the banner will hold up. Also anything with a pattern or texture does not allow vinyl to adhere as well.

Step #2: Cut the bottom of the flag in an upside down "V" shape. Because of the letters and over all feel I am going for the "V" shape did not have to be precise. In fact I tried to make it noticeably wonky.

Step #3: Push push-pins into the top corners of the flags.

Step #4: Using a hot glue gun run a thin line of glue across the top of the flag. Be sure to cover the push-pins.

Step #5: Place ribbon over the glue line but don't allow the top of the flags to stick out above the ribbon. With each letter you attach use the same distance for spacing the flags. *** Make sure to leave a tail on the front and back of the string of streamers.

Step #6: Make sure all push-pins are straight and that no paper is showing above the string of ribbon.

Step #7: Lay out streamer to ensure it has the desired look. If it doesn't, well unfortunately you pretty much have to scrap it and start over.

I'll post the final pictures of the bulletin board when I complete the remaining parts.

Update: I'm not sure it's finished but here is at least a progress shot.

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