Monday, May 26, 2014

1977 Go-Tag-Along Revamp

Let me just say, whew! It's done. We bought a vintage camper and made it pretty. At least our version of pretty. We got, Henry, this very loved and well-kept camper in October in 2013. Other than the dated decor of the trailer it was in excellent shape. I toyed with the idea of keeping the cushions as is, because there is something really cool about the plaid but after bringing them inside during the winter to assess the cool factor I decided we had to do it, we had to change it up. Not because the plaid stopped being cool but rather because after a few good jumps from my two year old the cushions just shredded. I mean really who is shocked that 40 year old fabric has it's breaking point. I had decided to paint the walls and cabinets as soon as I saw the pictures when we bought it. I have no love for wood paneling.  All in all, this is what we did:

We reupholstery all of the cushions with grey vinyl and made slip covers (I mean really, who like to sit on vinyl in the heat? They are like fitted sheets) - 2 sets different patterns, incase they get dirty. We ripped out the shag carpet, cleaned the floor and placed vinyl squares, then caulked the edges to seal it. Painted the entire inside - cabinets, ceiling, walls, window seals, and inside some of the cabinets (I was running short on paint). Sewed new curtains and replaced the rusting rods. The cushions were the most difficult part and painting was the most time consuming. I really hate wood paneling... really, REALLY, have I mentioned that? 

I re-did the bathroom too and even though I can see a difference, it still looks like a bathroom that is only slightly larger than a airplane bathroom - so everything is painted white or light blue (cabinet). Not very exciting.

1977 Go-Tag-Along Camper
Outside (Untouched)



Dining Area

Dining Area & Back Wall


Long View (Yes, that WAS shag carpet)

Sofa Area & Queen Size Bed